As we cut the three hour Chapinero jam I decided to jump to the second hour and start cutting from there. Below are the links to the first 4 cuts from that hour. I started counting on 70, perhaps making a wrong estimate of how many tracks per hour we would cut.
[cut 71]
[cut 72]
[cut 73]
[cut 74]
(added 17.8.2019)
[cut 75]
[cut 76]
[cut 79]
[cut 80]
cut 71
A tinny bass learns to walk, accompanied by a filtered sawtooth wave. The sawtooth begins to unfold its own life, meets a free piano sound. A dialogue unfolds. Wind-like, drum-like sounds are added.
One of the most intense and independent pieces of this session. Definitely in!
cut 72
Desert scale, sliding, sand drifting sound. The background develops from a deep engine sound to windy, bowed wire ropes – and then ends up with a cheap drum computer sound that congenially combines with the desert sound.
Also in – maybe with a little equalizing we can improve something on the last section (drum sounds)?
cut 73
large windy areas, machine low, banjoesque splinters condense to melodies and accompaniment
Maybe set the end a little earlier (before 2:50)?
cut 74
In the country, morning mood. Very fragmentary, too many different sounds and approaches. – let out ?
cut 75
the first 30 – 50 seconds could be nice as a little jingle which appears between other tracks … funny little melody
cut 76
abstract little childrens song, strongly influenced by the residents, mutates to an ecclesiogenic sound collage after a few rounds in the mixer
cut 77
too fragmentary, leave out
cut 78
very nice electrick layers … the human voices from the end (last 3 secs.) are a nice contrast. Is there some more from those? Just 15 seconds … I’d like the contrast of large elektricks – and the it ends @ human sounds …
cut 79
E drums going wild … Nice! In! Very nice organic ending.